Software Architect, Nomi Health - February 2022 - November 2022

Member of the Architectural Review Board that ensures that Engineering conforms to Nomi architectural standards.  I focused on platform issues.

The Nomi goal was to move health care billing into AWS.

Designed the following: Static Private Web Site Hosting using S3, Long Term Storage using S3 Glacier, Lambda that converts a zip code to a county using Mapbox, Document Scanning and Quarantine using OPSWAT MetaDefender, and Configuration Management Database using AWS Config and Atlassian Insight.

Senior Software Engineer, Kapsch TrafficCom AG - June 2020 - PRESENT

Member of the LaneSide Group that is responsible for installation and maintenance of Cashless Traffic Tolling Plazas.
The amount of equipment used in Cashless Traffic Toll Plazas is extensive - loop detectors, axle detectors, 3D cameras, illuminators, tag readers, Application Servers, and Zone Controllers.

Each Toll Plaza is controlled by a Linux based Zone Controller, which controls all equipment in the Plaza. A Toll Plaza is responsible for generating Vehicle Transactions (tag id, vehicle picture, loop data, and axle data) that are stored in an Oracle Database.
Toll configuration is via XML and JSON, which is also stored in the Oracle Database.

Each client has an Application Server (that is also Linux based) that controls all Zone Controllers. Ansible is used to manage Zone Controllers. The LaneSide Team is responsible for installing the Application Server and the Zone Controllers. This includes configuration management (git), Linux IT, health check, debugging, and automation.

The work is done in C++, Python, Oracle Database, and Ansible in an Agile environment.

Software Development Manager, Harte Hanks - January 2021 - February 2020

Manager of the development team, responsible for creating the next generation of nexTouch, the flagship ECommerce product. Agile Scrum Master for a distributed team using a Continuous Delivery Pipeline (CDP), which was fully automated. The CDP employed Static Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and Docker over three distinct Kubernetes Clusters. Product was designed to use Micro-services via Docker and Kubernetes on AWS EC2. Micro-services were designed to use a RESTfull API, which was provided using Spring Boot on Linux.

Architect, Oracle — March 2012 to October 2019

Architect and Manager for a new team that is responsible for the appliance aspect of the Oracle Backup Appliance.  The Oracle Backup Appliance is an Enterprise Class, multi node, database server, that is based on the Oracle Exadata platform.
My group is responsible for Installation, Upgrade, Health Check, and Life Cycle Management of this product.  Major subsystems are Hardware, Linux, Oracle Database, Oracle Clusterware, and OSB.  Our work is done in PERL and Oracle SQL.

Cloud Architect, Internap — 2011 to 2012

Responsible and team leader for a new data center product: cloud storage which is based upon OpenStack Swift inlcuding:

  • Ported Internap’s cloud storage to the Swift Diablo release.

  • Created a development infrastructure for cloud storage, including unit tests, functional tests, stress tests, health monitoring.

  • Designed and implemented push button storage cluster creation via Vagrant.

  • Identified and prioritized a feature roadmap including object versioning, conditional puts, offsite replication, and performance.

  • Pushed bug fixes upstream to OpenStack.

  • Member of team that ported OpenStock Nova to the data center, first commercial offering of Nova.

Architect, Quantum — 2009 – 2011

Responsible for upgrades, web services, cloud services, databases, and system configuration for the infrastructure group of Quantum’s storage division.

  • Researched, designed, prototyped Web Services interface, based on Apache and REST (HTTP and XML), enabling remote and third-party GUIs, easy system access via an industry standard interface, and scalable architecture. Led 20-person cross-functional team, including CLI, GUI and Platform units. Presented to Architectural Board, Engineering Leadership, and Executive Management. Trained, and documented project that massively reduced code complexity (previous implementation was SOAP based).

  • Saved customer support time by implementing multiple boot partitions on the system disk. Customers can now easily abort system upgrades without negative effects.

  • Greatly simplified system upgrades by creating a System Configuration Manager based on MySQL using XPATH and relational tables. This new tool provided a scalable architecture that enables a single repository, unified format providing an API, keeping transactions safe, preventing corruption, and guaranteeing validity.

  • Minimized application changes and concealed Cloud Storage details from applications with a POSIX like file system for improved efficiency. Lead team to use libcURL and Apache to communicate via a scalable architecture with Public Cloud Storage that supports Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Services and Iron Mountain Cloud Services. Lead team to build prototypes/proof of concept for Executive Management.

Senior Architect, Reconnex (acquired by McAfee) — 2003 – 2009

Designed and implemented Internet Security Systems using real-time object capture engines. Products primarily consisted of applications running over Linux on 64 bit Intel Systems from Ethernet into storage databases and file systems.

  • Platform Team Manager responsible for file system, database, search control, web services, system configuration, and the process model. Written in C and KSH, designed a process model responsible for application control including startup/shutdown, memory dumps, logging, status, statistics, IPC & alarms. Received Outstanding Engineer Award.

  • Took over faltering projects: IPC, database, search control, web services and system configuration.

  • Created a Star Schema database (patent) in MySQL to improve efficiency of the Meta Data database. Prone to crashing and hanging, new schema was GUI friendly.

  • Designed and implemented a file system (patent) that maximized write performance via a scalable architecture.

The short version of my resume covers my recent work history, whereas the long version covers my entire work history.